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Phase 2 Sound Readers

Phase 2 Sound Readers


This pack contains 30 of our Funky Phonic Sound Reader Books There are 6 books for each set of sounds


These are designed for identifying words that start or end (ck, ff, ll, ss) with the Phase 2 Sounds and use real-life images to support the development of language and vocabulary.


These books are designed to supplement current reading schemes within your school. 


They can be used as home readers, school readers, for interventions, and even used in your phonic lessons.

  • Licence

    This is a single user licence and is non-transferable. The resources are intended for single classroom and personal use ONLY. Any sharing or copying for more than one classroom is prohibited.

    This resource may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view, uploaded to school or any other website, distributed via email, or submitted to file sharing sites.

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