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Phase 3 - Climb to the Top

Phase 3 - Climb to the Top


This pack includes boards for the Phase 3 sounds and boards for the words as in the Letters and Sounds as well as some words that are not in the document. Also included is a separate board for the tricky words and boards for words that contain a combination of Phase 3 graphemes.

How to play:
Player who rolls the highest number goes first. Take turns rolling the dice. Move your counter up the tree and read the word you land on. If you can read the word you land on you can stay. If you can’t go back to your previous word.

Ideally use a 1-3 dice.

  • Licence

    This is a single user licence and is non-transferable. The resources are intended for single classroom and personal use ONLY. Any sharing or copying for more than one classroom is prohibited.


    This resource may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view, uploaded to school or any other website, distributed via email, or submitted to file sharing sites.

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